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School of Law

Mr Gavin Sutter, LLB, LLM (Queens, Belfast)


Senior Lecturer in Media Law

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8082
Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields


In 1999, Gavin Sutter moved to London to take up a twelve-month research assistant's post with the Centre For Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary. Over two decades later, he is still at CCLS, now as a Senior Lecturer in Media Law. He is responsible for establishing the field of Media Law at CCLS, having introduced a media law module on the LLM with twelve students in 2004, and now teaching eight media-related modules across three different LLM programmes (London, Paris and Online) and the London LLB. In his spare time he also teaches legal basics and cybersecurity law to Chinese computer engineering undergraduates on the joint QMUL/BUPT degree programme in Beijing, established in 2004 as the first joint degree programme between a UK and a Chinese University. 

Gavin read law at the Queen's University of Belfast, graduating with an LLB Hons (2:1) in 1997, and an LLM in Computers and Law, with Distinction (the first to be awarded on that programme, then in its ninth year), in 1998.

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