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School of Law

Dr Stephen Allen, BA (Kent); LLM (Bristol), PhD (Bristol); Barrister (Inner Temple); FHEA


Senior Lecturer in Law

Room Number: Mile End


Dr Stephen Allen is a Senior Lecturer in Law at Queen Mary, University of London. He is also a qualified barrister and maintains a door tenancy at 5 Essex Court Chambers, London. He has written numerous articles which have been published in leading law journals, including the ICLQ, Modern Law Review and the Human Rights Law Review. His monographs include: The Chagos Islanders and International Law (Hart Publishing, 2014) and Title to Territory in International Law: A Temporal Analysis (Ashgate, 2003, with Joshua Castellino). He has also co-edited several books: The Oxford Handbook of Jurisdiction in International Law (OUP, 2019); The Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Marine Areas (Hart, 2019); Fifty Years of the British Indian Ocean Territory: Legal Perspectives (Springer, 2018); and Reflections on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Hart, 2011).

Until 2018, Dr Allen was a Co-Director of the Centre for European & International Legal Affairs (CEILA). He is also a member of the Centre for Small States and the Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context. He has organised several events through these research centres: including, in 2017/18, a seminar on the CJEU’s decision in the Western Sahara Campaign Case; in 2016/17, a workshop on ‘The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination at Fifty: Achievements and Prospects’; and, in 2015/16, a conference on ‘Fifty Years of the British Indian Ocean Territory’; he also co-convened the CEILA/CLSGC Annual Seminar Series on Jurisdiction in that year.

He was a Visiting Research Fellow (2019) at the Law School, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; a visiting scholar at the Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea, at the University of the Arctic, Norway (May 2019),  the Stockholm Centre for International Law and Justice, Stockholm University (2015 and 2019), and Suffolk University Law School, Boston, USA (2013).

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